About Me

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As a teenager, I subscribed to the notion that one should "retire" (read: celebrate life) in his twenties so he could learn from the world less encumbered by material trappings and only then should he settle in to adulthood. The world may be a more compassionate place. This, I believe, is true luxury. I am now in my forties.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Tradition and Drink

The oldest standing church of Central America withstands the elements of weather and encroachment of the expanding city of Xela in the highlands of Guatemala. A restoration project is working on refurbishing the interior while the active ministry has moved to a more modern building.
On All Saints Day, our tradition of Halloween, the entire town seems to spend the day at the city cemetery celebrating the lives of those past. They bring flowers, picnic, fly kites, and drink to the occasion. In a mini-quest to find a local drink of this region, I found a woman just a block from the above pictured church who makes a strong berry-accented moonshine and a liquor that tastes of eggnog. The heavily monopolized beer industry makes Gallo, with the fertile rooster labeled on the bottle, the default choice for celebration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Can't find your number anywhere. ?! Call or email me.
