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As a teenager, I subscribed to the notion that one should "retire" (read: celebrate life) in his twenties so he could learn from the world less encumbered by material trappings and only then should he settle in to adulthood. The world may be a more compassionate place. This, I believe, is true luxury. I am now in my forties.

Friday, January 07, 2011


I am late to this one.  We just watched the movie.  We both separately realized why it did not win the Academy Award for Best Picture.  It was a wonderful movie and deserved all of the acclaim.  It made a clear stand against the misguided foreign policy of war for resources regardless of the indigenous culture and ecosystem, its empty diplomacy, and the impatience and disbelief of genuine scientific research.  Where as, The Hurt Locker only addressed and sympathized with the plight of the soldier without commenting on the question or motives of war.  The latter is extremely important and crosses through political boundaries.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Iran, Ecuador and many more are all subject to a super-power's need for more resources than it has.  Until we address the power of the corporation over the people it doesn't matter which country is the superpower.

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