About Me

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As a teenager, I subscribed to the notion that one should "retire" (read: celebrate life) in his twenties so he could learn from the world less encumbered by material trappings and only then should he settle in to adulthood. The world may be a more compassionate place. This, I believe, is true luxury. I am now in my forties.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Democratic Socialism

People scare at the word socialism in any context. They immediately conjure images of the failed communist states, conflating the two different terms. Obviously, in education, in life, we need healthy competition but there are definitely things a government needs to help provide for a country's own best interests. A protected, well-educated, healthy, and generally happy population with the ability to move, access, and transport goods and services throughout the given area with a sustainable environmental impact (so our progeny can be part of that).  So strong defense (not offense), education, healthcare, environment protection, time for family, friends, and play, along with a viable infrastructure.  That may be the essence of democratic socialism.  A healthy democracy that provides a fair platform for competition of ideas, innovation, goods, and services.

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